Conservatives can't decide who they are | Josie Pagani



Conservatives can't decide who they are

Another punk-right populist has won in Argentina. Javier Milei, whose 1970s hair makes him look like the offspring of Liberace and a Bond villain with the mad eyes of a coked-up Angry Bird, won on a promise to cut spending and taxes, ban abortion, close the central bank, and only make friends with countries that want to “fight against socialism”.

Conservatives around the world are confused whether they are libertarians, authoritarian populists, or prudent managers of the status quo.

National campaigned on the slogan “Get our country back on track”. Like “Make America Great Again”, the statement seeks to own both the past and the future. ACT has liberal ideas for conservative government – cutting taxes and spending. NZ First is culturally conservative, more supportive of big state intervention in the economy. The profound changes they seek in the way services and government work do not sit easily in a cautious and managerial cabinet.

Christopher Luxon has yet to articulate a coherent theory for why they are in government. If he wants an authentic statement of moderate conservative values, he could channel Rory Stewart, now a podcaster and previously a Tory superstar.

"My vision of conservatism is about limited government, individual rights, prudence at home, strength abroad, respect for tradition, love of my country," he says.

Read the column here.

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